You could see the moment it hit him.

His face crumpled with emotion and tears spilled down his cheeks. All the while, Micah beamed gently at him through happy tears of her own. This was it. Today, now. For the rest of their lives.

Somedays, I would love to be able to see what a wedding day is like from inside the mind of a bride or groom, to know what they are feeling in each moment. And while some couples are more quiet and reserved, others, like Micah and Luke, make us all feel like we are experiencing their joy, happiness, every emotion, right along side them.

Like most summer days in the South, Micah and Luke's wedding day started out pleasantly warm and quickly moved into a heat that had us all grateful for every gentle little breeze that wandered along.

It didn't take me long to find Micah and her girls - giggles and chatter abounded the moment you stepped foot into the (blessedly airconditioned) halls of the Henderson Church of Christ. Quick, happy hugs were given all around (including Luke's sweet mama, Kim!), introductions made to the wedding party, to Allison (the most amazing, calm-cool-and-collected wedding coordinator), and Micah's mama, Vicky (who is also an excellent hugger!). Then we dove headfirst into photographs - and didn't stop all day!

While Micah happy-cried her way through a First Look with her daddy, then with her groom, Luke managed to keep the tears from falling - until he saw his sweet bride walking down the aisle on her daddy's arm. You could see the moment it hit him. He was marrying her.

This was it. Today, now. For the rest of their lives.

And he couldn't have been happier to be marrying his best friend! All the while, Micah beamed gently at him through brimming happy tears of her own. The couple married each other in front of their family and friends, laughing and crying in joy through the ceremony, each vowing to love the other, pinky-promising each other, and generally making everyone else cry happy-tears too!

Micah + Luke,

Thank you so much for giving me the honor of being your wedding photographer! It was truly a joy and I cherish every moment of it. My hope is that you will be able to tell your children (and grandchildren!) the beginning of your love story through the photographs of your engagement and your wedding day, the same way my parents told me theirs when I was a little girl, sitting on their laps, turning the pages of their wedding album and touching the lace of my mother's wedding dress. I can't wait to see you again in the future!

-xo, Shanle

"Whoso finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor of the Lord" -Proverbs 18:22