Sessions with toddlers are the best, because your session nearly always doubles as a workout!

While they definitely come with their own set of challenges, I love photographing families with toddlers. They are such a different pace than any other session. Gone are the carefully posed moments and perfectly tidy hair. In its place are smiles and giggles, endless games of chase, peek-a-boos, and fun prompts. Its exhilarating and exhausting in the best way.

That feeling of joy when I take a peek at the back of my camera to see that perfect smiling-laughing-looking-at-the-camera photo that was snapped in the .5 seconds that sweet little toddler stood still is like nothing else. The galleries from families with toddlers tend to be filled with lots of those precious in-between moments - the playful or sometimes quiet seconds as we walk from one spot to the next or move into a new pose- and I love them.