Sometimes, you end up making memories for yourself in the process of documenting them for other people.

And every once in a while, when you meet certain people, you just know that there is something special about them. There is a unique kindness and openness of heart that shines through every interaction, that makes you think about them for years, and it brings so much joy.

Erika and Michael are a perfect example of how this 'something special' can exist in two very different personalities. Michael is the comfortably quiet and gentle spoken counterpart to Erika's infectious excitement and bubbling enthusiasm. Both of them are so warm and friendly that you can't help but feel like you've known them for ages, even if you only met them a few hours ago.

When the recently engaged couple volunteered to hike up the mountain for a fall session and bring their sweet pups, I was definitely excited! (Fall leaves, a beautiful couple, AND sweet dogs? Who wouldn't be?) Little did I know that we would end up enjoying each other's company so much that we would stay until well past sunset, talking and watching the moon rise over the city. It's a session I'll remember for a long time!

Erika + Michael,

Thank you so much for braving Atlanta traffic and driving so far just for me to photograph you. I loved getting to know both of your stories and having the opportunity to photograph this amazing milestone in your lives. I can't wait until the next time I get to document a part of your story!

-xo, Shanle

"This is my beloved and this is my friend" -Song of Solomon 5:16