When you're a family photographer trying to win over kiddos, sometimes its less about the dancing around like a chicken and more about who you know.

Krishna & Kevin's sweet little girl was feeling a bit reluctant to smile at the beginning of our session (as most 3 year olds are, when confronted with a stranger with a camera). I just so happened to have recently taken photos of one of her friends, Radhika and Ajay's little girl R. (you can see their session HERE). When Krishna mentioned that the two girls adore each other, I knew I had my secret weapon! (Ok, so maybe there was some chicken dancing in there too!)

I loved getting to know Krishna, Kevin, and their two kiddos, both of whom were delighted to run up and down the paths as we from one location to another. They even stopped to include us adults in a game of 'Stop and Go'! It felt like taking a walk with friends!

woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session
woodstock georgia family photos photographer fall rope mill park ga woods blush pink blue session

Krishna + Kevin,

Thank you so much for asking me to document this season of your life. Your kiddos are so sweet and I loved my time with your family! I can't wait until next time!

-xo, Shanle

"A merry heart does good like a medicine." -Proverbs 17:22